It's 10 pm. Do you know where you and your loved ones are? Here is a collection of experiences from those who live / have lived with an obsessive MMOG gamer and from those who have lived the experience of obsessive MMOG gaming.

Tuesday, January 04, 2005

Here is a message that was sent to me via email just today (thank you!):

"For all of you who have problems with a loved one who is hooked on EQ, you should first of all understand that they do indeed have an addiction. No matter how many fights occur and threats made, it is doubtful to change the person's behavior. I can say this having been addicted to EQ for over two years. I count myself lucky to have been free from it for just as long. Although I have no training in these matters, my wife is a psychologist, and she has never disputed my use of the word ADDICTION to classify my feelings about EQ. I have had friends drop out of school and lose jobs because they couldn't stop playing EQ. As for myself, I have repeatedly dabbled with various addictive substances such as cocaine, methamphetamine, opium, hydrocodone, oxycodone, etc. None of these drugs came close to the feeling I got when my party's tank made a bad pull at the frenzied ghoul camp in Lower Guk, and I saved the day with a few stuns and mesmerizations. (Sadly, I still take pride in telling you that I performed this feat often). I know some people may not believe what I'm saying. It is, however, the truth. In fact, just recalling the memories gives me the shakes. Even after two years, I still feel the urge to log on. I still, from time to time, check on the latest releases and game updates. Here is a brief anecdote before I conclude. While at the early stages of my addiction I was playing EQ on a friday night when a certain young lady with whom I was intimately aquainted called and asked, "What are you doing?" I was in fact, at the Frenzy camp in lower Guk. I was not on some quest or raid or anything else like that. I was just doing the grind so I could get the flowing black silk sash for the third or fourth or fifth time. In spite of this fact, and the fact that I hadn't been laid in weeks, I said, "Nothing much," hung up the phone and turned it OFF. I then went back to my game. This was not a girlfriend or wife who bothered me about playing. This was a girl who wanted to get laid on a friday night, and I didn't even bother to make an excuse.
If someone seriously has a problem the only way I know to quit is to do what I did: 1. Uninstall the game 2. Cancel the account. I wish I could say this is enough, but since the accounts can be re-activated within 90 days or so, I cancelled my internet service provider.
Finally, find a replacement behavior to step in for some the EQ time. Freeks and geeks still need an escape. It almost certainly won't absorb as much time as the land of Norrath. (I would not recommend Medieval Total War as a methadone-like subsitute, but perhaps some lesser game like Age of Empires).

Now a message to all you obsessed addicts out there, which includes at least 60% of EQ gamers. Think about if you took half of the time, energy, and brainpower you currently devote to EQ, and used it to some productive means instead. My senior year in college rather than take my biochem final I played EQ. I'm now working on my PhD in biology and am respected by my collegues, professors, and students. Additionally I have the unconditional support of my wife, whom I fought with constantly when I played EQ. Quitting ain't easy, but if you were even half as bad as I was -you're probably worse and won't admit it - quitting IS worth it."

If you don't mind me asking - how long did you play Everquest / other MMOPRGs?


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