It's 10 pm. Do you know where you and your loved ones are? Here is a collection of experiences from those who live / have lived with an obsessive MMOG gamer and from those who have lived the experience of obsessive MMOG gaming.

Wednesday, June 09, 2004

"Thank you, thank you, thank you for creating a Blog about Everquest addiction. I feel so alone because people don't believe that video game addiction is a real problem.

I'm seperated from my husband. He destroyed our marriage with Everquest. He lost his job and I had to support him and my baby boy. He refused to get a job and neglected his household chores. I was working 12 hour days, coming home and doing all the cooking and cleaning. He would spend all day on the computer and take caffeine pills to stay up all night. We couldn't make ends meet so I considered getting a second job, but my day job wouldn't let me. I had to kick him out of the house.

He knows nothing but his own needs. He ignores our son, works just enough to pay for his constant computer upgrades and has all but abandoned his family. What's even worse is that his mother and sister also play Everquest and they enable and even encourage his addiction. When I was in my second trimester, working full time and desperately in need of help around the house, he refused to lift a finger. I took on a second job while I was pregnant and he sat on his fat ass playing Everquest with his family. I contacted his mother and begged her to talk some sense into him or at least log off herself once in a while, but she refused.

He still contacts me and has the nerve to ask me for money. I don't see the difference between him and a barely functional alcoholic or narcotic drug addict. I've lost so many years of my life to support his addiction and since we share a son, I'm stuck with him the rest of my life. He has the nerve to try to get our son interested in video games. Over my dead body!"


Anonymous Anonymous said...

His addiction is blatantly obvious. The fact that his family members also play and blind him to make everything seem alright is disgusting.

I'm sure you talked to him about rationing out his time. A good way to help him is to lead by example. Try playing the game also, share his interest and actually show him (by not pointing it out ofcourse) that it IS possible to just take it or leave it anytime you want.

He knows he can do this. He just has to discipline himself, being able to draw the line between responsibility and video games.

Mar 11, 2006, 2:10:00 PM


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