It's 10 pm. Do you know where you and your loved ones are? Here is a collection of experiences from those who live / have lived with an obsessive MMOG gamer and from those who have lived the experience of obsessive MMOG gaming.

Wednesday, September 28, 2005

"My boyfriend has tried to suck me into his everquest hole before; sometimes it's funny but other times it really hurts. He would bring this big everquest manual with him everywhere, even on our dates, I guess he thought he could get me to read it.Sometimes he would try to get me into other games too, as if I would begin to understand his addiction. I tried to understand I even let him show me a demo of that crap one time... I still cry for those wasted minuites in my life that I will never get back."


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I've read this post somewhere before.

Sep 30, 2005, 1:07:00 AM

Blogger J said...

Hi Mark,

Good observation. It is pretty much the same story, over and over. And one of the reasons why I started this blog in the first place. I used to think and say things like "well, those are only rare / extreme cases" or "they probably had a not so good relationship anyways". But (and this is not backed up by statistics, jut my own observations) this just seems to happen over and over so many times that I pretty quickly started to realize that playing an MMOG for 35+ hours a week definitely had some role in the deterioration of relationships. Me and my ex-spouse played EQ together, and let me tell, it definitely didn't help keep our relationship together. Just the simple fact that you spend so many hours a week being unavailable mentally from someone who is supposed you are sharing your life with will almost surely put a big rift into it. Why else would long-distance relationships often not make it? Btw, my relationship was pretty much doomed because we both ended up playing EQ with different people... that's 8 years down the drain, I'm not blaming the game, but I am blaming the fact that we did not find any time to share even online - his online friends were not mine and vice versa, and we both choose to play how we want to rather than to find time to spend together.

Also, sometimes a breakup can improve lives, and I wouldn't necessarily call that a loss.


Oct 15, 2005, 5:51:00 PM

Blogger J said...

Sorry, for my typing mistakes, I'm pretty tired :)

Oct 15, 2005, 5:52:00 PM


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